Mesh Lawsuit

Medical Indications and Uses of TVM Implantation

transvaginal mesh graphWomen in all sides of the world recognize the medical device trans-vaginal mesh (TVM).  This medical device has been used by physicians to treat medical conditions associated with aging, mainly Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) and Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) by strengthening the vaginal wall and holding the pelvic organs in position, restoring the normal vaginal anatomy, and improving sexual function.  Most adult women regardless of race are experiencing POP and SUI.  The mostly affected are menopausal women, those who have a history of deliveries vaginally, and those who had their uterus removed. 

Pelvic Organ Prolapse 

In Pelvic Organ Prolapse, the connective tissues stabilizing the walls of the vagina become less elastic and starts to soften. Possible reasons for this change in elasticity of the vaginal wall are old age and conditions that cause the vagina to expand such as hysterectomy and childbirth. 


There are different types of Pelvic Organ Prolapse, and the primary types are urethrocele, rectocele, and bladder and uterine prolapse. Bladder prolapse is the most usual.  This occurs when the bladder bulges out into the front wall of the vagina.  Another type that can be related to this is urethrocele, i.e. when the urethra protrudes into the vaginal wall.   Moreover, rectocele is the exposure of some parts of the rectum into the back wall of the vagina, and uterine prolapse is the sinking of the uterus into the vagina.

What is Stress Urinary Incontinence? 

Stress Urinary Incontinence is not one of the symptoms of POP.  This condition is when urine involuntarily leaks out of the bladder when the stomach muscles contract during sudden activities like coughing or sneezing.  It is commonly caused by the hyper-mobility of the urethra as a result of damaged or deteriorating pelvic muscles. 

Brief History of Trans-vaginal Mesh

Surgical mesh was introduced in 1950, and it was initially indicated as treatment for hernia.  Two decades later, medical practitioners found out that it can be used in the management of POP abdominally.  It was then in 1990 that surgeons discovered that it can be successfully implanted through the vagina.  There are approximately 250,000 cases of TVM procedures recorded as of today.

Because traditional procedures failed in most cases in the treatment of POP and SUI, and vaginal mesh implantations have been successful in initially relieving the symptoms of these conditions, TVM procedure was approved even without adequate tests.  However, a considerable number of complaints from recipients of TVM are appearing recently, and there is a great chance that these figures will continue to rise as TVM lawsuits spread across the United States. 


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